free html hit counter Peak Oil Debunked: 159. THE DOOM CHRONICLES 2

Friday, November 11, 2005


As we saw earlier in The Doom Chronicles, we can learn a lot about peak oil doom by sampling the candid comments of its practitioners over at (Isn't it great that we're "getting the word out" on peak oil? These folks got "the word").

Here's the latest from Matt Savinar:
That's the plan: kill Arabs, take their oil.*
Note that Matt will not lift a finger to oppose this plan. After all, how can you oppose what you regard as inevitable? That would be futile.

Ayoob wants to be a brownshirt when he grows up. He has fantasies of being a guard at the post-peak American Abu Ghraib:
I've given this line of reasoning a lot of thought over the last year or two and have come to a conclusion for myself. I'm going to join the new Nazi party, whatever it is, polish up my jackboots, and kick some ass.

We're going to enter a time of competition for scarce, life-supporting resources. I believe the day will go to the vicious and the terrible. So be it. I've had enough of pretending I want my fellow man to thrive. I want my fellow man to be herded like the sheep he is, while I circle the fences and do as I please.

The bottom line is we need to end social entitlements so the old die earlier, add tons of victimless crimes to the list so we can get anybody we don't like put in jail (and working for 12 cents an hour), and generally dumb down the population with more religious inculcation.

The good news is I'm going to get involved with politics and pander to the religious right by taking a hard stance against abortion and gay rights, ramp up the drug war and any other pleasure I can whip the ignorant into a frenzy over, and do my best to imprison as many people as possible.

I believe people will trade security for freedom at this time. Let's get busy and lock 'em up! They will consume fewer resources that way.

I think that's pretty much all it will take to become powerful. Simply be a traitor to every good thing in the world. Jay Hanson has it right, kind of. He thinks money is going to take the day, and I think viciousness will.

I wonder when he'll run out of money.*
MonteQuest wants to legalize murder:
JD: Well then, why don't you answer a simple question: Should we kill the weak and infirm, like nature does? Yes or no. And if not, why?

Montequest: Through Euthanasia and assisted suicide, yes.

Should we keep alive crack babies on a respirator? No.

Should we perform heart transplants on people who will only live a few years, no.

Where do we draw the line? I don't know. But our bad decisons in the past will force us to make those triage decisions.

Remember, it was your use of the word, "kill", not mine.

JD: Monte, if you unplugged a crack baby on a respirator, you would be arrested and charged with murder in every state of the union. You should know that as a former Federal law enforcement officer. You are advocating murder, as it is defined in the statute books.

Montequest: So, we let the population swell until there is a die-off? Who's the murder then? You can't have unchecked population growth. Sooner or later someone has to die.

Assisted life support in cases like this need to be removed and the laws changed to permit it.**
Ibon is a proponent of "compassionate fascism":
Anyway, if we can hypothetically imagine an enlightened global community of governments legislating population control today I would personally not see it as an afront to my personal freedom or those of my offspring if we limited the number of children we can have, mandate the use of contraceptives and or abortion or sterilization to guarantee it. Those already here should be allowed the highest quality of life permitted within a sustainable paradigm. With the help of natural cycles of disease etc. we could achieve a sustainable population on this planet within a couple of generations. Does this make me an eco-fascist? If we cant do it voluntarily than obviously our collective human culture will either die off from natural events or we will create a human control mechanism that will impose itself as an authority. This may lead us down the road toward fascism. Maybe it will be called compassionate fascism? Sounds like one could make a political campaign out of that! Why not, let's have a little fascism to set us straight.***

-- by JD


At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 9:17:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JD, if you can't think of anything to post but personal attacks, then don't post anything till you can. These don't do anything to help people understand how they can help conserve or adapt.

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 10:49:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

However they do help people make informed decisions about who to listen to.

JD has done about the best he can to attack their work (after all, the data isn't transparent, so we have to take their word for it) and showing what kind of people these monsters/idiots/psychopaths (they come in multiple flavors!) are, hopefully getting us to recognize them for what they are.

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 10:58:00 PM PST, Blogger JD said...

Facing the reality of people like Ayoob, Montequest, Jay Hanson, Paul Ehrlich, Jack, Virginia Abernethy and William Stanton is the most important thing you can do to prepare for peak oil. You ain't seen nothing yet. When times get tough, the optimists will be totally discredited, and these people are going to crawl out of the woodwork.

Peak oil is a solvable problem. The real threat is hysteria, violence and peak oil fascism.

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:16:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah JD, it's easier to point to Doomers going through peak oil stress (and maybe half bragging to their peers in "tough talk" mode about just how tough we are going to have to be to survive this) than it is to actually do the work of DEBUNKING which is what I thought your site was supposed to be about.

You still have not addressed how the world economy is not going to be thrown into a Greater Depression after the end of the airlines and international tourism! Andrew McNamara's peak oil taskforce seems to have concluded this is inevitable... but we will not know for some time... it looks like the actual report has been delayed until next year.

His interview is still on for those who are interested.

You might debunk the Dieoff community JD, but all your strutting and boasting and ideals will be shown to be false assurance when people lose their homes and careers. I'm not a Doomer, but I do think that the government's lack of response to peak oil makes Watergate look like a child misbehaving on a Sunday School picnic.

This Greater Depression is going to SUCK!

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:30:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t think that was an attack at all. Those are their words, not JD’s. This post is helpful because it shows what doomers really are. Before anyone gets freaked out by peak oil they should consider the source.

Liquid fuel shortages = murder of children

That is quite a leap... I must say. Talk like that will keep all on the pragmatics like me away from the PO movement, even though I’m genuinely concerned.

Pulling the respirator from a "crack" baby? So a "crack" baby is worth less than a "non-crack" baby? That is revealing... no?

N00bz should read here for more info on doomers:

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:40:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how was the last "Great Depression" solved.

Well Germany tried to solve through mass murder.

I don't see why people who say this will be like the Great Depression but it won't be the end of the world don't understand that the last great depression was the end of the world for much of the world!

debunk that jd

At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 11:41:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and another thing jd. maybe you can go more than 1-2 days without personal attacks? do you have some type of peronality disorder or something. you make 1 good post for every 5 ones like this. it's like you're on your medication one day and not the rest of the week. are you under the care of a professional?

At Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 2:21:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t normally like personal attacks, but when people make fascist statements and they are brought up for all to see, I fully support that.

Some of these idiots will grow up when they see war, or hear about it first hand from their own relatives on their own soil. Of course many of the fascists are Americans whose whole concept of war is from movies or news stories.

Violence doesn’t solve anything and should only be used in self defence, when are we going to learn this? Not meaning to sound like a bleeding heart liberal, I just find some of these people puzzling and quite dangerous – yes I am shocked by racism etc

Going onto airlines, in Europe for example 45% of flights are less than 400 km and can be replaced by rail. Only a small proportion of flights are long distance and only 20% of passengers are businessmen. The airline industry downsizing doesn’t mean a crash, especially in the age of the internet. Goods will continue to be imported until it’s too expensive to do so (that’s a long way down the line), then the jobs will be relocated locally Airlines are actually a net drain to many countries. .If those that didn’t need cars got rid of them, then they would save a huge amount of money And before anyone mentions jobs in the automatic industry, I’ll draw a graph one day showing: Jobs in Oil, Gas, Manufacturing, Rail, Bus, Car making, Airlines and IT and you can all go off and right an essay.

At Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 2:44:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS and points will be deducted for those that don't type write and automotive correctly. *gets coat*

At Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 8:32:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that there will very likely be a die-off, and that probably nothing we can do will prevent it.

But I think we should try everything we can think of, and we shouldn't be discussing euthanasia, pogroms, or other population control measures, etc. Everyone should have a chance, and if nature/God (as you believe) takes a life, then that is as it must be. But I don't think we should participate.

I, for one, offer this alternative: I'm breaking my back trying to get a large garden going in my very large back yard. I'm learning how to grow food and be self-sufficient in the city as quickly as possible. Once I get that complete, I'm going to start talking to my neighbors about peak, and hope they will listen. When things go to pot, I'm planning to have enough food for me and my neighbors, and I'm planning to have enough seed to help them grow their own food, and I'm planning to help them in whatever way I can. And if it's not enough, if we all starve or if they turn against me or whatever and I am killed (not that I would lay down and die), then at least I leave this life with honor.

Look, people have always forgotten this point--that there is something beyond the mere drive for existence and that there are circumstances that arise in which it is better to die. I am hoping, post-peak, that people will relearn this aspect of life.

At Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 11:28:00 AM PST, Blogger James Shannon said...

First Source: I've given this line of reasoning a lot of thought over the last year or two and have come to a conclusion for myself. I'm going to join the new Nazi party, whatever it is, polish up my jackboots, and kick some ass.

We're going to enter a time of competition for scarce, life-supporting resources. I believe the day will go to the vicious and the terrible. So be it. I've had enough of pretending I want my fellow man to thrive. I want my fellow man to be herded like the sheep he is, while I circle the fences and do as I please.

The bottom line is we need to end social entitlements so the old die earlier, add tons of victimless crimes to the list so we can get anybody we don't like put in jail (and working for 12 cents an hour), and generally dumb down the population with more religious inculcation.

The good news is I'm going to get involved with politics and pander to the religious right by taking a hard stance against abortion and gay rights, ramp up the drug war and any other pleasure I can whip the ignorant into a frenzy over, and do my best to imprison as many people as possible.

I believe people will trade security for freedom at this time. Let's get busy and lock 'em up! They will consume fewer resources that way.

I think that's pretty much all it will take to become powerful. Simply be a traitor to every good thing in the world. Jay Hanson has it right, kind of. He thinks money is going to take the day, and I think viciousness will.

Batshit crazy extreme right-wingers scare me! :O

At Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 7:04:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

history usually takes the middle path

I'm not sure I get this. If you mean that, out of all possible moments, social collapses happen infrequently, I would agree. But they do happen.

The "middle path," whatever that is, is often only seen as such in retrospect. It's not a concept that is helpful prospectively.

At Monday, November 14, 2005 at 8:10:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Germany wasn't trying to solve the Great Depression through war. Germany's problems pre-dated the depression, and were due to the hyper-inflation and war reparations of the Weimar Republic after World War One.

At Monday, November 14, 2005 at 8:12:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it should be batshit left-wingers since it appears they want state sponsored killings.

At Monday, November 14, 2005 at 8:16:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying that refusing lifesupport for crackbabies is not going to have any demographic impact at all. So brutality against babies is even unecessary, apart from the very obvious fact that it is guesome.

Nobody in his right mind is going to say fascism is the answer to peak oil.

"I grow food in my backyard; I've insulated my house; I go everywhere by bike. I do pretty much everything I can to consume and pollute less while still living a normal first-world lifestyle."

And that is what we all should be doing. But there is no guarantee that this will work.

BTW, birthcontrol is another thing that should be on that list.

At Monday, November 14, 2005 at 8:28:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're quote of Matt Savinar doesn't represent Matt Savinar wanting to kill arabs. He simply states that that is what is currently happening according to him. Here is the complete quote with the context:

"This is all already happening.

1. The airline and auto industriea are waving white flags. 7 of the 11 biggest airlines have bked. Ford and GM have seen thier bond rating reduced to junk. Delphi is going bankrupt.

2. The Bush administration is making moves to expand coal and nukes.

3. A crisis committe was already formed. It was called "Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force." The only documents that were released were maps that had Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia's oil fields mapped out.

That's the plan: kill Arabs, take their oil. (well not quite that simple, but you get my general point.)



At Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 3:18:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Rentenmark was a currency issued in November 1923 to stop the hyperinflation (1922 & 1923) in Germany. It replaced the Papiermark, which was completely devalued due to the inflation.

The Great Depression had large impact on Germany, and since then the NSDAP started winning in several elections.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 3:49:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Gav stated a while ago here:

"And as for the "fascist underbelly" stuff - sheesh - take a look around you - peak oilers are the least of our worries on that front - your average peak oil commentator seems to be well left of centre to me..."

I think that pretty well sums it up.

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 7:53:00 PM PST, Blogger Monte L. Myers said...

"MonteQuest wants to legalize murder:

JD: Well then, why don't you answer a simple question: Should we kill the weak and infirm, like nature does? Yes or no. And if not, why?

Montequest: Through Euthanasia and assisted suicide, yes.

Should we keep alive crack babies on a respirator? No.

Should we perform heart transplants on people who will only live a few years, no.

Where do we draw the line? I don't know. But our bad decisons in the past will force us to make those triage decisions.

Remember, it was your use of the word, "kill", not mine."

Montequest does not wish to legalize murder. JD likes to distort my views because he cannot fathom the idea that Mother Nature just might be quite a bit more cruel than making some of the hard choices I mentioned.

Over-population and scarce resources will force these hard choices on us. We won't be able to try and save everyone like we have been.

If we try, even more will die.

Trying to prevent a worse case scenario is not fascist.


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